Cupping Therapy
Relieve Pain, Tension & Inflammation, Cleanse & Vitalize with cupping!
Service Description
An ancient practice using suction cups placed on the back or limbs to create movement of blood and energy, and to drain lymph and toxins. Cupping improves circulation to and oxygenation of tissues, and helps to remove metabolic waste and toxins trapped in tight muscles. It also promotes the flow of Qi (healing energy) and releases stuck energy. Cupping therapy is beneficial in relieving muscular tension, pain and inflammation, and assists injury recovery. It strengthens immunity, supports healing, improves vitality, balances hormones, enhances fertility, promotes calm and better sleep... and so much more. Dry cupping is the placement of suction cups over specific key areas to aid circulation, detoxification and release muscle tension. Wet cupping is similar to Dry cupping, but includes an additional step of making small incisions at the points being cupped, to draw out trapped stagnant blood. It is a safe procedure, relatively painless, and gives better results. Massage cupping is when the suction cups are moved along the back and limbs, loosening tight fascia and relieving pain and tension.
Contact Details
+27 82 400 6972
Greenside, Johannesburg, South Africa